(Pay Bill Here)

Billing & Insurance

We Accept Most Insurance Carriers

We accept a wide variety of insurance plans and as a courtesy we will bill your primary insurance for reimbursement.  You are responsible to make any co-pays at the time of service and will be responsible for any deductibles or co-insurances.  

Our office does not bill private secondary insurances. 

A person is typing on a laptop next to a piece of paper that says insurance.

We are contracted with

Most PPO plans, including Covered California plans through Blue Cross or Blue Shield, Adventist Health, CenCal and Dignity EPO plans.

If your insurance is an HMO

It must be through Coastal Communities Physician's Network (CCPN) as the IPA and our office must be listed as the Primary Care Physician (PCP) in order for services to be covered. 

While we are able to answer some questions about insurance, it is in your best interests to call your carrier ahead of time and discuss your coverage and benefits.  When calling your insurance plan, we are contracted under the name Bay Area Surgical Specialists. 

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